Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's Still Winter...

Yep, no doubt in that. We got about 3 feet out on my front deck in the past week. It was just one storm after the other. The snow was definitely more than necessary. At the end of the week, there was one day where the weather couldn't make up it's mind. It was rainy, and then snowy... and then slush.

Slush = no good.

Here is a picture (from my phone, so it comes out a little blue) of the snow on my deck

What you can't see in this picture (because I couldn't get a good angle) is that the snow is leaning over the railing about 6 inches. It just leaned. I pulled an Aunt Heather and drew all over my picture to show ya'll.

We're expecting a little bit more this Friday and Saturday. And then again on the Thursday and Friday following. However, I am sure this will change another five times over the next week. The 10-day forecast changes every day!

I can't believe it's already been a month since Christmas! Crazy! I haven't posted about Christmas, so that is the next entry I have to do.

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